Before I begin our initial session we will discuss your relevant history (injuries, concerns) as well as any other reasons you are seeking out bodywork. This way we may proceed with an intention that is specific to your needs. You may book a one time session, or you may decide on a treatment plan consisting of a certain number of sessions. Some people book occasional sessions as part of their wellness routine, while others are looking to create more significant change in their system. In this case weekly sessions for a short period of time tend to be more effective than occasional sessions over a long span.

Using a hands-on approach and embodied listening, I work with you, at your pace, to connect you to your body’s innate capacity to heal, and release mental and physical stressors. Embodied listening involves noticing the rhythms and quality of tissues, bones, and organs as your system shifts toward rest and spaciousness. Touch is the first language we learn in life and sometimes the experiences we are looking to process do not have a verbal basis. A newfound awareness alone can be transformative.

Craniosacral therapy practitioner giving a session in Oakland, CA (East Bay)

My job as a practitioner is to support this process. Our bodies store the stress and trauma that we have not had the opportunity to resolve. Parts of our body map can become numb or painful as a result. Using gentle touch, together we witness as places of tension find resolution. Healing happens in real time when we are feeling safe and present in our bodies. Book a session today.


When You Visit

Loose, comfortable clothing is recommended so that you may relax on the table without restriction. Make sure you can take a deep, full breath (i.e. no belts etc.) Pricing is $130/1 hour session, though our initial session will be 75 minutes the fee will remain $130. Accepted forms of payment are cash, check, zelle, and venmo. Sliding scale spots are available, please inquire in the booking or contact form if a reduced rate would better allow you to receive treatment.

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